The imscript distribution contains too many programs. There are a few important, "core" programs intermingled with dozens of silly, irrelevant or very specific utils. This file gives a list of the relevant programs. CORE: generic tools for image processing plambda: apply an expression with images as variables blur: positive parametric linear convolution downsa: zoom out upsa: zoom in ntiply: replicate pixels crop: extract a region of interest fft/iif: fourier transform of an image, and its inverse dct: cosine transform of an image (self-inverse) imprintf: print info and statistics of an image veco: accumulate values over a list of gray images vecov: accumulate values over a list of multispectral images imgerr: compare two images with a single number iion: copy (useful for converting format) morsi: elementary gray-level morphological operations NO-CORE: more specific tasks deframe: projective crop (defined by 4 points in the image) cdeint: deinterlace a video frame distance: image of distances to a set of points ransac: compute robust models from data points elap: laplace equation with irregular boundary condition amle: infinity-laplacian equation siftu: various mini-utils for dealing with sift points srmatch: successive multi-scale matching of sift keypoints FLOW: utils for producing or transforming vector fields synflow: generate a parametric synthetic vector field backflow: warp an image by a vector field flowinv: compute the inverse vector field flowdiv: compute the divergence of a vector field flowgrad: compute the gradient of a vector field flow_ms: multi-scale optical flow lk,hs,tvl1: different flavors of optical flow VIS: utils for data visualization viewflow: color code for a vector field flowarrows: display a vector field using arrows ghisto: gray-level histogram (to be piped to gnuplot) chisto: color histograms pview: plot points and lines given by ascii numbers WANTED: not yet implemented/ported from qnm fderiv: partial derivatives of various types and schemes ccfilt: compute connected components of a binary image ccbound: compute boundaries of connected components ccdist: distance transform cctree: compute upper/lower/shape tree of a given image ccreco: reconstruct an image from its tree # vim:set tw=69 filetype=text: