MGM: A Significantly More Global Matching for Stereovision
Please cite the reference article if you publish results obtained with this online demo.

2245 public archives of online experiments with original images since 2015/07/18 20:42.
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key AAF4D3704DB1BBA046A9045F2797DB3F
date 2024/06/25 03:12
p2 8.0
profile sobelx
p1 0.0
camera motion direction left to right
using tuncated linear potential 0
disparity range -26,0
input_0.orig.png input_1.orig.png input_0.png input_1.png mgm_disparity.png sgm_disparity.png

key D570C772714BFCC65A789FFCC3E75D83
date 2024/06/25 03:13
p2 8.0
profile sobelx
p1 0.0
camera motion direction left to right
using tuncated linear potential 0
disparity range -32,0
input_0.orig.png input_1.orig.png input_0.png input_1.png mgm_disparity.png sgm_disparity.png

key 4524042384CB1C5D6A720A4A4A44CB9D
date 2024/06/25 07:55
p2 32.0
profile sobelx
p1 0.0
camera motion direction left to right
using tuncated linear potential 0
disparity range -32,1
input_0.orig.png input_1.orig.png input_0.png input_1.png mgm_disparity.png sgm_disparity.png

key EC7BE3CB568986D8842A065F41FE1244
date 2024/06/25 07:59
p2 32.0
profile sobelx
p1 0.0
camera motion direction left to right
using tuncated linear potential 0
disparity range -32,1
input_0.orig.png input_1.orig.png input_0.png input_1.png mgm_disparity.png sgm_disparity.png

key 4032E61F595F6E5665AA1C81B4BBB697
date 2024/06/25 08:02
p2 32.0
profile sobelx
p1 0.0
camera motion direction left to right
using tuncated linear potential 0
disparity range -14,0
input_0.orig.png input_1.orig.png input_0.png input_1.png mgm_disparity.png sgm_disparity.png