SURE Guided Piecewise Linear Image Denoising Algorithm WANG Yi-Qing,, ENS Cachan List of Source Files ==================== This source code creates five command line programs. SPLE_denoise.cpp Command line program that performs S-PLE denoising PLE_denoise.cpp Command line program that performs PLE denoising imsample.cpp Command line program that performs image sampling imnoise.c Command line program that adds pseudorandom noise to an image imdiff.c Command line program that compares two images SPLE_lib.{cpp,h} Implements SPLE_main_routine() the main routine for S-PLE PLE_lib.{cpp,h} Implements PLE_main_routine() the main routine for PLE util.{cpp,h} Implements general utilities such as image from/to patches conversion DataProvider.{cpp,h} Implements a class for storing the initial Gaussian factor mixture randmt.{c,h} Mersenne Twister MT19937 pseudorandom number generator imageio.{c,h} Image input and output for BMP, JPEG, PNG, and TIFF formats conv.{c,h} Finite impulse response convolutions (used by imdiff.c) basic.{c,h} Basic definitions and utilities used by all programs io_png.{c.h} Image input and output for PNG connected.h One version of connected component algorithm S-PLE Denoising ================ The highlight of this source code is the implementation of a two-stage version of Expectation Maximization (EM) Gaussian factor parametrical inference algorithm. This is an outline of how the denoising is performed in the SPLE_lib.cpp code: SPLE_main_routine(), SPLE_lib.cpp:1020 (Program begins here) The input image is read with imread(). Noise is added with add_gaussian_noise(). SPLE_sub_routine() is called to perform the denoising. The denoised image is written with imwrite(). SPLE_sub_routine(), SPLE_lib.cpp:1074 RGB_transform() is called to perform chrominance-luminance transform to raise the signal-to-noise (SNR) in the first transformed channel. The program operates under two modes: Testing_Mode will enable far more intermediary outputs to allow testing and analysis. Demo_Mode, on the other hand, minimizes computational cost so that the program runs as fast as possible. read_config() is called to set up the Gaussian factor mixture. The main loop for the EM iteration is on lines 1146:1222: calc_responsibilities() computes for each (patch, model) pair the conditional probability for a patch being generated by a model, thereby creating the patch map required for adaptive filter selection. update_PPCA() is called to update the Gaussian factor mixture. In Testing_Mode, patches will be filtered with filter_patches() at every EM iteration. Otherwise, this method is called only once at the last iteration. both_filters is a flag that lets filter_patches() process all the noisy patches with both Wiener and shrinkage filters. This is an option that tends to yield the best denoising performance because the algorithm can then decide between these two after having seen their SURE estimates. diffusion_deoise() is called to expand flat patches for more aggressive denoising in the flat areas of an image. Clean up. Image Sampling ================ This source code implements image sampling using tensor structure orientation detector To run it, first you need to provide a directory containing grayscale PNG format files through a bash script named You can run ./ to get instructions on how to use this script. This is an outline of how image sampling is performed: sample_images(), util.cpp:432 read in list.txt (created by containing a list of paths to the grayscale PNG images to sample from randomly pick a patch from a randomly chosen image and call tensorStructure() to determine the model it belongs to. Iterate until the algorithm gets enough sample patches for all models compute the second order statistics as well as mixing weights. write_out_everything() is called to produce a file named by the user. (Caveat: you should save a copy of DataProvider.cpp and rename this newly obtained file to DataProvider.cpp in order to run S-PLE with it. See the section on imsample in README.txt for details.)