
A C library for reading images

Definition and principles

An image is a multidimensional array of numbers. A small image is an image that fits comfortably in memory. There are hundreds of file formats for storing images. IIO is a library for reading small images from files, regardless of their format. It is written in C, and it is intended to be used in C programs. The goals of this library, in decreasing order of importance, are the following:

1. Be written in standard C

All the code must be standard ANSI/ISO C (namely, the current standard as of November 2010, which is named "ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Technical Corrigendum 2004", commonly known as C99). Whenever non-language constructs such as POSIX extensions are used, they must be hidden behind appropriate #ifdef macros and a pure C alternative must be available. Currently, the only POSIX extension is the "fmemopen" function, for which an alternative implementation is provided (based on writing a temporary file).

2. Have a nice and clean API

This library is intended to be used in tiny parts of larger programs, without disturbing the work flow of the main program. The data provided by the library must be usable directly by the programmer in the way which she decides, not in any way imposed by the library. An image is just an array of numbers, and this is what the "iio_read_image" function returns. In particular, the API does not use structs to communicate with the user. The functions of the API all look like this (with slight variations, to allow different data types for numbers, and different dimensions and number of channels):

	float *iio_read_image_float(char *filename, int *width, int *height);
	float *x = iio_read_image_float("/dev/stdin", &w, &h);
	x[i+j*w] = ...;

Needless to say, the library uses no monstrosities such as "init" functions.

3. Have a nice and clean code

Every function fits into a 80x25 screen, with K&R bracing style and 8 spaces per tab. The names of functions are long and descriptive, without abbreviations. There are no global nor static variables, and local variables have very short names (usually, a single letter). All identifiers are lowercase, with underscores to separate different words. The code compiles without warnings, with all warnings enabled on all known C compilers.

4. Be trivial to compile, to use and to port

An acceptable way of using the library is to copy the code of the desired function into your program. In fact, this is the preferred way. The set of dependences (such as libpng, libjpeg) is small, but not empty. However, any dependency can be disabled by changing a single line on "iio.h". In execution time, if there is no available external library to read a given image, then IIO will fall back to some desperate hacks, such as writing the file to disc and calling an external conversion program.

5. Open all image file formats.

If there is an image file which can not be read, this is a bug and it must be solved.

OLD NOTE: the word "small" on the beginning of this document means that the whole image data must fit in memory. There are no provisions for memory-mapped files, virtual crops, multi-scale access, or other fancy methods needed to deal with large images or real videos. These interesting features must be the goal of a very different library, because I do not know a way to provide this functionality without uglifying the API.

Images according to IIO

Mathematically, an image is a function

f : RdRp.     (1)
The number d is called the "dimension" of the image, and the number p may be called the "depth", the "pixel dimension" or the "number of channels", depending on context. Typically, d=2 or 3, and p=1 or 3. A digital image is an approximation of a mathematical image, in a very precise sense. Since R is an infinite set, we are forced to take appropriate finite subsets of R. Now, R appears two times on formula (1). The process of taking a finite subset of the first R is called "sampling" or "discretization". The process of taking a finite subset of the second R is called "quantization".

In IIO, discretization consists always in taking points of Rd with non-negative consecutive integer coordinates starting from zero. Thus, Rd is discretized as a product of d intervals of possibly different length. If we denote by [n] the set {0, 1, 2, ..., n-1}, then the discretization turns Rd into the finite set [s1] x [s2] x ... x [sn-1]. The numbers si are called the "sizes" of the image, and they specify completely the discretization of the digital image. The quantization of Rp is done by expressing each of the p numbers, called "samples" using one of the numeric types of the C language. There are the following 12 options available for samples:

	int8_t, integers between -128 and 127
	uint8_t, integers between 0 and 255
	int16_t, ...
	half, IEEE floats of 16 bits
	float, IEEE floats of 32 bits
	double, IEEE floats of 64 bits
	long double, IEEE floats of 96 bits

as a convenience, the sample types "char", "short", "int" and "long" are also available, in their signed and unsigned versions, with whatever standard meaning they have in each platform (however, their use is not necessarily portable when sharing data between platforms).

The pair (d,p) is called the "signature" of the image. Some examples of numeric data that can be encoded as images of different signatures:

	d  p  interpretation
	1  1  mono sound
	1  2  stereo sound, plane curve
	1  3  spatial curve
	2  1  gray image
	2  2  vector field
	2  3  color image, parametrized surface
	3  1  gray video/medical image
	3  3  color video
	3  9  tensor-valued medical image
After discretization and quantization, the signatures can be
rewritten as "(s_0, ..., s_d ; p type)".  For example:
	(256,256; 1 char)       low-resolution gray-scale image
	(256,256; 3 char)       low-resolution color image
	(2048,2048; 1 char)     high-resolution gray-scale image
	(2048,2048; 1 float)    high-resolution floating point gray-scale image
	(2048,2048; 30 char)    high-resolution multi-spectral image
	(128,128,128; 1 short)  low-resolution medical image of 16 bits
	(512,512,512; 1 char)   high-resolution medical image of 8 bits
	(320,200,250; 1 char)	ten seconds of low quality black and white video
	(700,500,50; 3 char)	one second of med-def color video

Observation: (a,b; c type) has exactly the same data as (c,a,b; 1 type)


The IIO library does not do image processing. Its only task is to give to the user the numbers found inside image files. However, the user may ask for the numbers in 8-bits, even when the input image has floating point values. Thus, some data conversion is necessary. There are two cases: lossless conversion and lossy data conversion. Lossless conversion is done silently. Lossy compression is done as nicely as possible, but then a warning message is printed to stderr. First we treat the conversion of samples, which is clear and nice. Later we treat the conversion of pixels (which may have multiple samples), which is tricky and artificial. Finally, we treat conversion of signatures, which is called transposition or interlacing, depending on the context.

* Lossless conversions of samples:

	- From unsigned integer to unsigned integer of larger size
	- From signed integer to signed integer of larger size
	- From floating point to floating point of larger size
	- From signed or unsigned integer of 8 or 16 bits to float

* Slightly lossy conversions of samples:

* Lossy conversions:

	- the rest of them


Error handling

There are many legitimate situations in which the library can not read an image as requested: either because the provided filename does not exist, because it has an incorrect format, because there is not enough memory to store the numbers, whatever. There are three possible strategies for dealing with errors:

  1. Abort the caller program when any error is encountered
  2. Return NULL when any error is encountered
  3. Return NULL and set a global variable indicating the cause

The behaviour of IIO can be set on compilation time using the macros IIO_ABORT_ON_ERROR and IIO_SET_ERROR_CAUSE. The advantage of the first case is that the functions always return valid data. The other two approaches require some amount of error checking code in the caller program, which is probably tedious to write in some applications. It is up to the user of the library to decide which kind of error recovery to do. The default is number (2).

Design tradeoffs

1. API conventions.

There is a choice between the following two kinds of API:

a) Return type specified as argument:

	#define FORMAT_FLOAT 1
	#define FORMAT_CHAR 2
	void *read_stuff(char *filename, int desired_format);

b) Return type determined by function name:

	float *read_floats(char *filename);
	char *read_chars(char *filename);

Although the differences are small and purely stylistic, a firm decision was taken towards the second option. The reasons for choosing "b)" are the following:

There are, however, disadvantages with respect to the following advantages of "a)", which were disregarded:

2. Pixel slicing

The order of "channels" inside a pixel, RGB BGR RGBA ARGB, does not matter. This ordering is ignored and kept as it was found inside the input file. There is a mechanism for querying which order it was stored. It is up to the user of the library to apply the desired conversions if this order is not satisfactory.

Another issue is slicing these "channels", by scattering the components of each pixel along the input file. This is an unacceptable act of violence which is not supported by this library. It is braindead, inefficient, and makes no sense at all. It is akin to listing the names and surnames of the students in a class in different sheets of paper. A pixel is an atom of information which must never be divided at a higher level. If you have trouble with this view, replace all you mental references to "number of channels" with "pixel dimension".

3. ...

Writing images

Although the main concern of IIO is to READ images, the library provides some convenience functions for writing images. This is a secondary afterthought, and there is no intention to support a complete set of formats. Specifically, lossy compression is not implemented.


The only necessary documentation is the file "iio.h"


cat > try_iio.c
#include <stdlib.h> // for free
#include "iio.h"
int main()
	int w, h;
	float *x = iio_read_image_float("image.jpg", &w, &h);
	x[0+w*0] = 0;
	iio_write_image_float("image_with_first_pixel_black.png", x, w, h);
        return 0;
c99 try_iio.c iio.c -ljpeg


for CC in gcc icc suncc pcc lcc clang; do
	$CC -c iio.c


See src directory.


Currently supported input formats:

Currently supported output formats:


I do not like to put licensing text at the top of otherwise clean source code. If, for whatever reason, you need a licensed version of this software, ask me which kind of license do you want, and I will stick the appropriate boilerplate text at the top of the source code and send you the resulting files.

See also


Author: Enric Meinhardt-Llopis

So far I am the only one to blame for the code itself.

I took from ImageMagick the idea of reading arbitrary images from pipes, but this idea was probably well-known folklore.

I took from Nicolas Limare's "png_io.h" the idea of returning an image into a free-able block, but this idea was probably well-known folklore.

I had the idea of returning a free-able double pointer, but this idea was probably well-known folklore.

Last change: 8 june 2011