Automatic Color Enhancement
Macros | Functions
imageio.h File Reference

Implements ReadImage and WriteImage functions. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include "basic.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define MAX_IMAGE_SIZE   10000
 Limit on the maximum allowed image width or height (security).
 String macro listing supported formats for ReadImage. More...
 String macro listing supported formats for WriteImage.
 Avoid MSVC warnings on using fopen.


int identify_image_type (char *type, const char *filename)
 Identify the file type of an image file by its magic numbers. More...
void * read_image (int *width, int *height, const char *filename, unsigned format)
 Read an image file as 32-bit RGBA data. More...
int write_image (void *image, int width, int height, const char *filename, unsigned format, int quality)
 Write an image file from 8-bit RGBA image data. More...

Detailed Description

Implements ReadImage and WriteImage functions.

Pascal Getreuer

Copyright (c) 2010-2012, Pascal Getreuer All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can use, modify and/or redistribute it under the terms of the simplified BSD License. You should have received a copy of this license along this program. If not, see

Definition in file imageio.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


String macro listing supported formats for ReadImage.

This macro can be used for example as

printf("Supported formats for reading: " READIMAGE_FORMATS_SUPPORTED ".\n");

Definition at line 75 of file imageio.h.

Function Documentation

int identify_image_type ( char *  type,
const char *  filename 

Identify the file type of an image file by its magic numbers.

typedestination buffer with space for at least 5 chars
filenameimage file name
1 on successful identification, 0 on failure.

The routine fills type with an identifying string. If there is an error or the file type is unknown, type is set to a null string.

Definition at line 1920 of file imageio.c.

void* read_image ( int *  width,
int *  height,
const char *  filename,
unsigned  format 

Read an image file as 32-bit RGBA data.

width,heightpointers to be filled with the image dimensions
filenameimage file name
formatspecifies the desired format for the image
Pointer to the image data, or null on failure

The calling syntax is that the filename is the input and width, and height and the returned pointer are outputs. read_image allocates memory for the image as one contiguous block of memory and returns a pointer. It is the responsibility of the caller to call Free on this pointer when done to release this memory.

A non-null pointer indicates success. On failure, the returned pointer is null, and width and height are set to 0.

The format argument is used by specifying one of the data type options

  • IMAGEIO_U8: unsigned 8-bit components
  • IMAGEIO_SINGLE: float components
  • IMAGEIO_DOUBLE: double components

and one of the channel options

  • IMAGEIO_GRAYSCALE: grayscale data
  • IMAGEIO_RGB: RGB color data (red is the first channel)
  • IMAGEIO_BGR: BGR color data (blue is the first channel)
  • IMAGEIO_RGBA: RGBA color+alpha data
  • IMAGEIO_BGRA: BGRA color+alpha data
  • IMAGEIO_ARGB: ARGB color+alpha data
  • IMAGEIO_ABGR: ABGR color+alpha data

and optionally either or both of the ordering options

  • IMAGEIO_PLANAR: planar order instead of interleaved components
  • IMAGEIO_COLUMNMAJOR: column major order instead of row major order
uint32_t *image;
int width, height;
if(!(image = (uint32_t *)read_image(&width, &height, "myimage.bmp",
return 0;
printf("Read image of size %dx%d\n", width, height);

With the default formatting IMAGEIO_U8 | IMAGEIO_RGBA, the image is organized in standard row major top-down 32-bit RGBA order. The image is organized as

    (Top left)                                             (Top right)
    image[0]                image[1]        ...  image[width-1]
    image[width]            image[width+1]  ...  image[2*width]
    ...                     ...             ...  ...
    image[width*(height-1)] ...             ...  image[width*height-1]
    (Bottom left)                                       (Bottom right)

Each element image[k] represents one RGBA pixel, which is a 32-bit bitfield. The components of pixel image[k] can be unpacked as

uint8_t *Component = (uint8_t *)&image[k];
uint8_t red = Component[0];
uint8_t green = Component[1];
uint8_t blue = Component[2];
uint8_t alpha = Component[3];

Each component is an unsigned 8-bit integer value with range 0-255. Most images do not have alpha information, in which case the alpha component is set to value 255 (full opacity).

With IMAGEIO_SINGLE or IMAGEIO_DOUBLE, the components are values in the range 0 to 1.

Definition at line 2048 of file imageio.c.

int write_image ( void *  image,
int  width,
int  height,
const char *  filename,
unsigned  format,
int  quality 

Write an image file from 8-bit RGBA image data.

imagepointer to the image data
width,heightimage dimensions
filenameimage file name
formatspecifies how the data is formatted (see read_image)
qualitythe JPEG image quality (between 0 and 100)
1 on success, 0 on failure

The input image should be a 32-bit RGBA image stored as in the description of read_image. write_image writes to filename in the file format specified by its extension. If saving a JPEG image, the quality argument specifies the quality factor (between 0 and 100). quality has no effect on other formats.

The return value indicates success with 1 or failure with 0.

Definition at line 2152 of file imageio.c.