Multi-Scale Multi-Window stereo matching (2014)
Please cite the reference article if you publish results obtained with this online demo.

322 public archives of online experiments with original images since 2013/09/05 04:48.
This archive is not moderated. In case you uploaded images that you don't want that appear in the archive, you can remove them by clicking on the corresponding key and then clicking over the "delete this entry" button. This button appears only for the experiments performed by the user during the last 24 hours.
In case of copyright infringement or similar problem, please contact us to request the removal of some images. Some archived content may be deleted by the editorial board for size matters, inadequate content, user requests, or other reasons.

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key 66CDB920DF32034A84838AE176B8ADE6
date 2013/09/05 04:48
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key E00DEAEE51C86F450957861074A5D7D7
date 2013/10/15 15:23
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 8A7B9CA82E473C339AFA342F8FE1092E
date 2014/01/02 11:41
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 7
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 8A394004605EB00FCA3976CAD29234C4
date 2014/01/02 12:02
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 7AD0AE879751F1D46A16381D7B4B1BE7
date 2014/01/03 12:13
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 9
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key B82C5AB5F66E1C6D8AD748DBDEAC740B
date 2014/04/16 16:10
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 3268075015F62BF5EB6BEB18A03A371F
date 2014/04/29 11:01
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method SSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_ssd.png backflow_ssd.png

key 81786E40E39FD56276E7168C636B8259
date 2014/07/01 19:24
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 4791CC87456A9C78AE99CFEC645D33EB
date 2014/07/02 09:49
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 9
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key A9B622C6E0681BB37E335DE848F3913E
date 2014/07/02 09:56
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 9
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key F7BFE11191F16A5BDF16C3F8610B541B
date 2014/10/22 01:44
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key D99A1026B27C28DA34A10ECBC71F32C0
date 2014/10/22 02:36
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key A5080FC1613C1EB05DE607182A738875
date 2014/11/06 04:27
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key ABB0BB52288CFCFD07CBF1304E49C3E5
date 2015/01/29 08:04
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 0562CE35102935280AD78847F5F8C4C2
date 2015/01/29 08:05
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key F7B14F0B392BDB809FEB1629CF6381CA
date 2015/03/17 10:47
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method SSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_ssd.png backflow_ssd.png

key 6477BB56E29A0F991DA47CD25C4D0A63
date 2015/03/17 10:49
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method SSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_ssd.png backflow_ssd.png

key FE6D5F710CB169838D03ED80C7597B11
date 2015/04/03 02:26
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

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