Multi-Scale Multi-Window stereo matching (2014)
Please cite the reference article if you publish results obtained with this online demo.

322 public archives of online experiments with original images since 2013/09/05 04:48.
This archive is not moderated. In case you uploaded images that you don't want that appear in the archive, you can remove them by clicking on the corresponding key and then clicking over the "delete this entry" button. This button appears only for the experiments performed by the user during the last 24 hours.
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key 8111FCD4595B27812AE0A3D090D1ABB6
date 2017/07/28 23:43
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key C230E8786799E88EE6EA0453C9C67A16
date 2017/07/28 23:46
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 7987AF5FC93B9DB82A6293E443F19F4A
date 2017/07/28 23:47
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 599BB209AC1EAF7418F1410FA17E350E
date 2017/07/28 23:48
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
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windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key C14ED4AD31F35E4E89CF42B83F7748BA
date 2017/07/28 23:49
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 51E217CE455D5DBDA4BED31D611C9B48
date 2017/12/07 00:23
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 4E3BCFBD56B9236D4182BCFC87839160
date 2017/12/07 10:57
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key BC29E532CBE8A4E144BDCB69C843F6B7
date 2017/12/15 10:02
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 518D17D4D378B82AA318550FC5B8C074
date 2017/12/19 22:48
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 8FACD4EA7C8EBD5F19574D76F0E8B473
date 2017/12/20 04:49
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key E70B3E28D93C18DB097FC6F2799E5937
date 2017/12/20 05:31
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method SSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_ssd.png backflow_ssd.png

key 57C4F92F6F08F34F1BF6D8D8B3B2D792
date 2017/12/20 06:16
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 32D34657F964F806591BA4E80609C094
date 2017/12/20 08:40
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 0C12400FD2625247324B93420A898374
date 2017/12/20 09:49
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key E78C54E1ABD82775C4928AF85E8DD627
date 2017/12/20 11:10
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key BA6C34AC9B29892E385E88E1C267AA7B
date 2017/12/20 11:35
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

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