Multi-Scale Multi-Window stereo matching (2014)
Please cite the reference article if you publish results obtained with this online demo.

322 public archives of online experiments with original images since 2013/09/05 04:48.
This archive is not moderated. In case you uploaded images that you don't want that appear in the archive, you can remove them by clicking on the corresponding key and then clicking over the "delete this entry" button. This button appears only for the experiments performed by the user during the last 24 hours.
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key 13536F1F3A6C4458E140A3E298341E9E
date 2015/04/03 02:38
addednoisesigma 0
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block_match_method ZSSD
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key C51E133665599136F7BFB05D82FAD398
date 2015/04/03 07:23
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
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block_match_method ZSSD
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key 0FBEE6338E5A71D62B0DE42F2CDDBFB2
date 2015/04/03 08:17
addednoisesigma 0
windoworientations 5
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block_match_method ZSSD
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key 036F6850363D0B459815B352EC3F93C4
date 2015/04/03 08:21
addednoisesigma 0
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 24D6B0A6F23AAAEA157B29D52DCD534C
date 2015/04/03 11:23
addednoisesigma 0
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 74C17550F7EB0CA413245D0035169696
date 2015/12/02 08:16
addednoisesigma 0
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key D0876DA4FF1C529FEF9E6DC831273870
date 2015/12/02 08:24
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 2A189E26638387820FC6488EA761AEFC
date 2015/12/02 14:33
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key F7976DC98EF82824A5566DAE4F9A3CF1
date 2015/12/11 10:12
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 4F4BD2214CA7C0D69EBCCEC709CCC895
date 2015/12/11 16:44
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key FF82A01E5ECD89C5A3310266894D4432
date 2015/12/26 19:01
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key E9D6B308E2A9386E2EFF61F397E05268
date 2015/12/26 19:42
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 63D48D435874ED756CC5FC76206BF663
date 2016/01/28 23:45
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 38BF5D6CFA40BA5E76893CDEDAF37D5F
date 2016/02/02 13:01
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 1763BD87A5A7BFCCAB2C8018C5F72997
date 2016/04/08 00:52
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key D3552D44E6793B2347F71A3B21CA92A6
date 2016/05/12 10:20
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key F93B76BFF75DE4B571422513FC2941EC
date 2016/10/21 03:49
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 99A5564B44BD88DD6F386A43E9335549
date 2016/10/21 03:52
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 173BA6DB638F0EF6CA2F6D713A2E7BDA
date 2017/02/18 17:53
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 2B58658D16B6BC7920D73F4BE407370A
date 2017/03/20 02:36
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

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