Multi-Scale Multi-Window stereo matching (2014)
Please cite the reference article if you publish results obtained with this online demo.

322 public archives of online experiments with original images since 2013/09/05 04:48.
This archive is not moderated. In case you uploaded images that you don't want that appear in the archive, you can remove them by clicking on the corresponding key and then clicking over the "delete this entry" button. This button appears only for the experiments performed by the user during the last 24 hours.
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key FD440028A3E63275DCD82AB8D932DB50
date 2017/06/21 11:25
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key 7B9FC5EFAEB42ED3292753EC0D279308
date 2017/06/21 11:27
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key EF235161F67EE5D2D1EBED78D2828FD4
date 2017/06/21 11:30
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key 26696EDEB111BE7943F578F2F2572C2B
date 2017/06/21 11:32
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key 768FDB8F8B85943788EB8E1A1E2CB5F3
date 2017/06/21 11:32
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key A06554EA7F90148FBCA405E5DF97F840
date 2017/07/12 10:22
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key CD0F2A25568E83723BD651DC52000B4F
date 2017/07/12 10:24
addednoisesigma 0
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key FB4DE1BF296177EA721A143CBF63FC12
date 2017/07/12 10:25
addednoisesigma 0
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key 00F2B350C8EA1DBCE5ACC79273BE1747
date 2017/07/12 10:26
addednoisesigma 0
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key 062DF29FD772F8D7927F921AAC9CB078
date 2017/07/12 10:27
addednoisesigma 0
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key CBD96E12D9D962D66F247940872AB493
date 2017/07/12 10:29
addednoisesigma 0
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key 12584FECB508DC8230C2442D58E0B6C6
date 2017/07/12 10:31
addednoisesigma 0
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key 4125197684CAD0F4ADA3682795110EF6
date 2017/07/12 10:32
addednoisesigma 0
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key C135EA0576F96899A5C66B5B22370957
date 2017/07/12 10:35
addednoisesigma 0
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 8E0A2413C071770547C6B4CF630342ED
date 2017/07/12 10:37
addednoisesigma 0
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key 8C00913B09C0F22E8694365AD0A1644E
date 2017/07/12 10:38
addednoisesigma 0
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key ADD25494258F4F8BDFC957A5EBC66627
date 2017/07/12 10:39
addednoisesigma 0
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key 9413F48B53EC8D06CE62224FB20EE4BF
date 2017/07/12 10:41
addednoisesigma 0
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key 9181A2A7DFD27EF8C8076D3A868D556A
date 2017/07/12 10:43
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
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left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

key D671739785FE68CD720A94BE095B5024
date 2017/07/12 10:43
addednoisesigma 0
window 5
block_match_method ZSSD
windoworientations 5
files left_image.tif right_image.tif
left_imagen.png right_imagen.png output_zssd.png backflow_zssd.png

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