A Survey of Gaussian Convolution Algorithms
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
Stacked integral images Gaussian convolution

A sum of box filter responses, rather than a cascade. More...

Detailed Description

A sum of box filter responses, rather than a cascade.

This code implements stacked integral images Gaussian convolution approximation introduced by Bhatia, Snyder, and Bilbro and refined by Elboher and Werman. The Gaussian is approximated as

\[ u_n = \sum_{k=1}^K w_k (s_{n+r_k} - s_{n-r_k-1}), \quad s_n = \sum_{m\le n} f_n, \]

where the kth term of the sum is effectively a box filter of radius $ r_k $.

The process to use these functions is the following:

  1. sii_precomp() to precompute coefficients for the convolution
  2. sii_gaussian_conv() or sii_gaussian_conv_image() to perform the convolution itself (may be called multiple times if desired)

The function sii_buffer_size() should be used to determine the minimum required buffer size.

buffer = (num *)malloc(sizeof(num) * sii_buffer_size(c, N));
  • A. Bhatia, W.E. Snyder, G. Bilbro, "Stacked Integral Image," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1530-1535, 2010. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ROBOT.2010.5509400
  • E. Elboher, M. Werman, "Efficient and Accurate Gaussian Image Filtering Using Running Sums," Computing Research Repository, vol. abs/1107.4958, 2011. http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.4958

Data Structures

struct  sii_coeffs_
 Parameters for stacked integral images Gaussian approximation. More...


#define SII_MIN_K   3
 Minimum SII filter order.
#define SII_MAX_K   5
 Maximum SII filter order.
#define SII_VALID_K(K)   (SII_MIN_K <= (K) && (K) <= SII_MAX_K)
 Test whether a given K value is a valid SII filter order.


typedef struct sii_coeffs_ sii_coeffs
 Parameters for stacked integral images Gaussian approximation.


void sii_precomp (sii_coeffs *c, double sigma, int K)
 Precompute filter coefficients for SII Gaussian convolution. More...
long sii_buffer_size (sii_coeffs c, long N)
 Determines the buffer size needed for SII Gaussian convolution. More...
void sii_gaussian_conv (sii_coeffs c, num *dest, num *buffer, const num *src, long N, long stride)
 Gaussian convolution SII approximation. More...
void sii_gaussian_conv_image (sii_coeffs c, num *dest, num *buffer, const num *src, int width, int height, int num_channels)
 2D Gaussian convolution SII approximation More...

Function Documentation

long sii_buffer_size ( sii_coeffs  c,
long  N 

Determines the buffer size needed for SII Gaussian convolution.

csii_coeffs created by sii_precomp()
Nnumber of samples
required buffer size in units of num samples

This routine determines the minimum size of the buffer needed for use in sii_gaussian_conv() or sii_gaussian_conv_image(). This size is the length of the signal (or in 2D, max(width, height)) plus the twice largest box radius, for padding.

Definition at line 84 of file gaussian_conv_sii.c.

void sii_gaussian_conv ( sii_coeffs  c,
num dest,
num buffer,
const num src,
long  N,
long  stride 

Gaussian convolution SII approximation.

csii_coeffs created by sii_precomp()
destoutput convolved data
bufferarray with space for sii_buffer_size() samples
srcinput, modified in-place if src = dest
Nnumber of samples
stridestride between successive samples

This routine performs stacked integral images approximation of Gaussian convolution with half-sample symmetric boundary handling. The buffer array is used to store the cumulative sum of the input, and must have space for at least sii_buffer_size(c,N) samples.

The convolution can be performed in-place by setting src = dest (the source array is overwritten with the result). However, the buffer array must be distinct from src and dest.

Definition at line 108 of file gaussian_conv_sii.c.

void sii_gaussian_conv_image ( sii_coeffs  c,
num dest,
num buffer,
const num src,
int  width,
int  height,
int  num_channels 

2D Gaussian convolution SII approximation

csii_coeffs created by sii_precomp()
destoutput convolved data
bufferarray with space for sii_buffer_size() samples
srcimage to be convolved, overwritten if src = dest
widthimage width
heightimage height
num_channelsnumber of image channels

Similar to sii_gaussian_conv(), this routine approximates 2D Gaussian convolution with stacked integral images. The buffer array must have space for at least sii_buffer_size(c,max(width,height)) samples.

The convolution can be performed in-place by setting src = dest (the source array is overwritten with the result). However, the buffer array must be distinct from src and dest.

Definition at line 162 of file gaussian_conv_sii.c.

void sii_precomp ( sii_coeffs c,
double  sigma,
int  K 

Precompute filter coefficients for SII Gaussian convolution.

csii_coeffs pointer to hold precomputed coefficients
sigmaGaussian standard deviation
Knumber of boxes = 3, 4, or 5
1 on success, 0 on failure

This routine reads Elboher and Werman's optimal SII radii and weights for reference standard deviation $ \sigma_0 = 100/\pi $ from a table and scales them to the specified value of sigma.

Definition at line 41 of file gaussian_conv_sii.c.